Take up space in a powerful fitness community.
Try Broads for 7 days free and surprise yourself with what’s possible.
Become a Broad
and raise the bar with a strength-based workout plan.
Fierce home and gym workouts
You choose: 2x, 3x, or 4x a week
New workouts drop each month
Gradually increase intensity over time
Simple exercise GIFs
Monthly consistency calendar
Workout data all in one place
Access to substitutions for every exercise
Full resources guide on exercises, tips, + guidance for your fitness journey
Community forum
Custom coaching options
Endless motivation & inspiration
Motivational quotes
Mobility included in every workout and Follow along with mobility workouts always available
Reduce risk of injury
Keep your joints buttery smooth
Founded By One Tough Broad
Tara LaFerrara, Head Coach
Tara is a globally recognized coach for women’s strength training with 12+ years of experience and 8+ years in group fitness and personal training on digital platforms.
She is certified in olympic weightlifting, a NASM CPT, and specializes in corrective exercise, hypertrophy, menopause, and mobility & durability.
Welcome To Broads
Watch this video to see what we’re all about
Fitness with Positive Attitude
No more shrinking yourself down.
It’s time to feel good, lift heavy, and not be afraid to take up space. Broads is designed to build you up at every step in your fitness journey.
Yes. You. Can.
Yes. You. Can.
The Workouts
New workout plans drop each month
These are structured with the goal of progressive overload (gradually increasing intensity over time) by leveling up the rate of perceived effort (RPE) to make sure you’re progressing. BroadsCLUB members can choose to workout 2x, 3x, or 4x a week, while BroadsCOACH and BroadsCHAMPION members can customize their plan with their coach.
All workouts focus on a combination of strength and mobility, so you can power your lifts while reducing risk of injury.
Results from fellow Broads